
  1. Workshops are held by Queensland Quilters Inc. to advance members’ skills.
  2. The maximum number of participants is determined by the tutor and the space available to enure that people can work in comfort and safety.
  3. Places are allocated on a first in basis. A waiting list is kept.
  4. Workshops will commence and conclude at the planned times. Workshops  will not be delayed for participants who are late.
  5. Please remember to get your class requirements. You should received this 4 weeks prior to the workshop date.
  6. Please ensure that yo arrive to your class 15-30 minutes prior to the starting time so you can be set up and that the class can start
  7. BYO cup and lunch. Morning and afternoon tea is supplied.
  8. If you are unable to attend a workshop, please contact the workshop convenor as soon as possible.

 Booking a Workshop

  1. All workshops are available to view at the website located under the heading Events & Activities. All classes have a minimum and maximum number. Please note, if the workshop is full, you will be placed on a waiting list.
  2. Complete the workshop registration form online. Once complete and submitted, you will receive an email – this is your confirmation that the registration has been received.
  3. Payment (either deposit or full) must be made either by Direct Deposit or Credit/Debit card and once received, your registration is complete.
  4. Details regarding payments are at the bottom of the online registration form.

Final Payment

  1. A workshop must be fully paid 4 weeks prior to the start date.
  2. PLEASE NOTE: If full payment is not received by the due date, you will lose your place and your deposit.  Your place will be given to someone on the waiting list. 


  1. If you are unable to attend a workshop, please contact the Workshop Convenor as soon as possible.
  2. Refunds will ONLY be given if 4 weeks notice is received.
  3. If the workshop is cancelled by Queensland Quilters Inc., a refund will be issued.