Membership Form: Affiliated Group Membership Application

Membership Form: Affiliated Group Membership Application

1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025
Please complete this form to join or to renew your group membership of Queensland Quilters.

Please enter your email address
Type Number including area code, without any spaces: 0712345678
Type all numbers without spaces: 0421345678

Meeting Details

Please indicate second Tuesday each month, for example


Art Union Tickets

We agree to sell Queensland Quilters Inc. Art Union tickets. Number of books of tickets we can sell (10 tickets per book)

Membership Fees: Full year Membership to 31st March 2025



You can make payment by Direct Deposit to Queensland Quilters OR by Credit Card

Direct Deposit

Name of Account: Queensland Quilters Inc BSB: 034-002 Account Number: 768617 Please include your last name and membership number as the payment reference.

Credit Card

Please contact Verna Hunt with your credit card details. Mobile: 0409 062 485